The Best Equipment to Clean Your Drains and Sewers

Are you having problems with slow-draining or stopped up drains in you kitchen or bathrooms? Is it getting increasingly difficult to wash your hands, clean cutlery, or soak dishes? These problems are not just indicative of drains, however. It could be a more dangerous problem in the form of a clogged, blocked, or damaged sewer system. If, in addition to slow draining, you are experiencing a foul odor and wet ground in the vicinity of your sewer system, this may be the unfortunate case. Backed up sewers allow toxic water, debris, and other chemicals to leak into the ground of your property. It can cause flooding, foundation damage, and even health problems for families and pets.

If you can arrest the problem early, chances are it won’t cost too much. You may even be able to do the repairs yourself. In that case, you will have a need for drain cleaning equipment and possibly snake drain. The bullet list below explains what you can safely do on your own, as well as the equipment and attachments you will need to get it done quickly and easily.

For simple drain cloggage that chemical treatments can’t get, you will need a snake. These are typically between one and six feet in length. If you are going to snake your own drain, sink, or toilet, make sure you have disposable gloves, bleach, a mop, and facial protection, just in case. What comes out of there will not be pretty, but snaking it out is far better than pushing it further along in the pipes where it will cause problems later on.

You may not be able to reach a clog. In that case, a sewer jetter will be your best bet. While these are typically heavy machines that may sound a bit intimidating, they are one of the easiest pieces of plumbing equipment to use. It works under the same principle as typical water flow through a pipe, just with more force.

The jetter employs water at a pressures of up to 4,000 PSI and between 2 and 25 gallons of water per minute. Before that happens, though, the long, pliable hose is sent through an entry point in the sewer line, traveling until it reaches the blockage. During this process, the penetrating nozzle is used to to get through the pipe safely and make way through loose, minor debris.

A closed nozzle, with a wider and stronger spray, the thoroughly cleans the pipe, forcing the debris out.

The sewer cleaning equipment is usually rented. If there is ever any doubt about its use, customers should consult with the rental company or contact a plumber or sewage expert to do ti for them.

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